Don’t Make These Marketing Mistakes for Your Home Improvement Business
As a home improvement business, it’s vital that you are making the right decision for your marketing to reach the masses for your audience. If you aren’t taking advantage of all the marketing techniques that are available to you, then you’re likely to lose out on lots of customers. Below are mistakes you can make in marketing and miss out on great opportunities in the home improvement business.
Not Have An Online Presence
If you aren’t active on social media platforms, you are missing nearly 50% of your potential customer base. Many customers go to business pages on these platforms to see what type of work is offered, find contact information, and read customer reviews. This is vital information that is needed to see if you’re the right contractor for them and the project that they have going on. Social media outlets are free, they just require you to spend a little time upfront creating the profiles, and then a few minutes every day interacting with the platforms you choose so that customers know you’re active. You don’t have to be on all the platforms, just choosing one or two is enough to get you some steady exposure.
Not Develop A Solid Marketing Strategy
If you’ve started a business, but don’t have a marketing plan, then you’re already missing out. For example, according to Grand View Research, the global outdoor lighting market size was $15.34 billion in 2022. That’s a big market! You need to know the audience you’re targeting before you get started on your business. Knowing who you’re looking for in your community and maybe even areas that extend beyond is important so you know how to market. Word of mouth will help some, but it doesn’t reach nearly as far as other marketing methods that you need for your business. Some customers are easier to reach than others in different areas when it comes to marketing. Some enjoy different marketing strategies like billboards, vehicle wraps, and others are into digital marketing.
Not Have a Website
There is a cost to have a website for your business. Some home improvement businesses will see this as an extra expense for their business and try not to create a website. If you want to save money, according to CNET, the perfect temperature to set your water heater to in order to save money is 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Do that instead of skipping out on a website. Others will take advantage of ‘free’ websites, but find that it’s poorly designed and not mobile-friendly. In order to practice good marketing, you need to invest in a good website that is mobile-friendly, loads quickly, and will also work with SEO strategies. Fill out the content on these pages with local keywords and the services you provide so that your website is generated first in the search engine. If you have a poor website, that isn’t designed well, potential clients will go to another competitor with a better site because it’s easier to use and navigate.
The SEO strategies that you have in place in a good website will grasp a lot more audiences at once, and help you pull more of your local clients for potential projects. No matter where you put information online, make sure you have contact information available so that they can get in contact with you through this. They also need to have a place to place reviews from your clients so that they can leave good ratings if you did good work and help you improve more of your client base.
Don’t Fail On Marketing
If you’re planning to have a home improvement business, make sure you take advantage of all marketing tactics, no matter how small your business is. You need to be able to reach as many clients as you can in order to remain ahead of the competition. According to Attainable Home, hybrid water heaters can decrease the amount of electricity you use by 63%, and with the right marketing, this is information you can provide your clients and encourage them to reach out to you for their needs.