Interview with Ivo Piscevic, an Artist, Pianist, Composer & Conductor

1- Hello Ivo, can you tell us a bit about yourself?
I grow up in a family of music and literature lovers. Both my parents are language teachers and can play musical instruments, my father plays guitar, piano and composes, and my mom plays piano as well. I actually started piano with her!
2- Where did you study and how was that experience?
My first important musical education I did in the Conservatory of Luxemburg, where I meet great teachers whose influence has been crucial in the development of my musical taste and knowledge. There I discovered myself a passion for composition and orchestral conducting, next to my piano studies of course.
I had then the privilege to be admitted to the prestigious Ecole Normale Alfred Cortot with Stephane Delplace and at the Schola Cantorum with Gabriel Tacchino to perfection my composition and playing skills. I also studied with Daniel Blumenthal in the Royal Flemish Conservatory of Brussels and with Eliane Rodrigues in the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp.
3- Are young people interested in classical music nowadays?
I think that the world of classical music may be hard to understand for some people, especially from the young generation. We should work in the direction of opening the traditional frame of what we call “classical music”, to show that the essence of it is borderless and touch directly to what makes us be human: the sensitivity to sound, rhythm and harmonies.
4- What is your inspiration? Why did you become a classical pianist?
I had the opportunity when I was six years old to listen to the first Cello Suite from Bach played by the great cellist Pierre Gerbaud, and I was so completely captivated by the warmness and the elegance of the piece and the sound of the cello, that it gave me desire to know music as well. Although I eventually turn to the piano, this moment remains constantly alive in my memory, and thus to a certain extent, give me inspiration till now. I was then fascinated by the power of music to open for us a world of emotions and beauty, and I am always searching to recreate it for my auditors when I play.
5- Where can we find more about you?
You can find more information on my website and my Facebook page, but I am also on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. I regularly post updates on news, events, etc., so stay tuned!
6- What are your plans for the future? Where do you perform?
I will be giving this year many concerts in the Atelier Marcel Hastir in Brussels, i.a. with the great Hungarian soprano Anna Szentes, with the cellist Alexandra Lelek or with the violinist Frédéric Chaine. Other concerts include the production of Opera-scenes in Antwerp in March and recitals in the Royal Conservatory of Brussels and Art Base with the contralto Ekaterina Romanova.
I remain open to every opportunity of course, but I personally have the dream to make a musical pilgrimage in Vienna. For a classical musician, it is the-place-to-be!
7- Is it difficult to be a young musician? What are the challenges you face?
It’s not always easy for a young musician who is starting his career to find people who would be interested. You have to promote your events a lot through concerts, meetings, etc. It’s also important to be very present in the different social media, which are a key tool for development nowadays. It usually takes a lot of time, but it’s rewarding because you feel that you are acting for the promotion and development of the art you love. This is what always motivates me.
8- You are a very talented pianist. What was the best reaction you ever received from the public?
I was giving once a private concert, and after it, I saw somebody in a wheelchair coming to me. He has been listening to the whole concert and wanted to speak with me. When he came, I realize that his face was all covered with tears… These moments when you realize that you can enlighten everyday life of people through music are the most beautiful for me.
9- What would you say to our visitors and readers?
First, you should always fight for your dream and believe in it. Not let people ran you down or discourage you.
Secondly, as the genius, Einstein said, “the important thing in life is not to stop questioning”. I think it’s a fundamental principle if you want to improve yourself and achieve something in life.
And last but not least…come to concerts! I am playing all the time something different, so you will always listen to a new repertoire!
10- Do you prepare any new project? If yes can you tell us more about it?
I am currently working on creating a string Trio and perform some concert tour with it, the project is still under construction but going well.
Next year I will organize a big interdisciplinary project with the Conservatory of Antwerp some other institutions, it will join artists of fine-arts and music altogether…stay tuned, the great news is coming!