Interview with Jovani Miguel, Motivator, Writer & Author of Raising Fatherless Sons

1- Hello, can you please tell us a bit about who Jovani is?
I was born and raised on Curacao, an island in the Caribbean, at the North coast of South America. I am a fighter and a determined person who works on his dreams. Furthermore, I am the author of the book Raising Fatherless Sons. I was raised fatherless, by only my mother, and have experienced this life for real—what the stumbling blocks are and how to make the best of it. My book is also available in Spanish: Criando Hijos Sin Padre.
2- What are your focus areas and why?
My focus is on the outcome of single-parent households, where a mother or father is raising children on her/his own. I have experienced this life—as a son raised by only his mother, without his father—and know what it feels like and know its struggles. So, the struggles/challenges are also part of the focus, but how to tackle them and overcome them is one of the main focus areas.
The ‘Father Wound’ is also targeted in my book. This is a heart-breaking and gnawing feeling that children might experience, which may lead to rejection of your father. I also explain how to escape from that ‘wound.’
Furthermore, I stress the future, because it is where we are going. We have to build it. Whether you are fatherless of not, you have to work on it. You cannot wait for something to happen in the near or far future; you have to make something happen. I brought this subject, as well, in this book, because going through struggles in single-parent households might overshadow our focus on where we are going! In this, we might miss our destiny.
3- How do you describe Raising Fatherless Sons in a few words?
A motivational and inspirational book that brings new perspectives on fatherlessness. It is a “must have” that will definitely make an impression on you.
4- Do people who read the English version feel different from those who read the Spanish one?
It doesn’t matter in what language you read the book, the message will fully reach the recipients. I thought I had to bring this message out to the world because this subject is of great concern. Therefore, I have to break all boundaries of language that might interfere with the accessibility of the message. So, there will be no difference in the outcome. It is going to be published in other languages, as well, in the near future.
5- What are some things that most people don’t know about your job as a writer?
I do it with passion. I hold the pen, and my heart and mind drive the process. I just brought a real-life issue that matters ont0 paper, in order to motivate and inspire! Furthermore, writing is not difficult at all. Some people asked me whether it is difficult to write a book, and my answer was that you have to know what you want to write about, plan it, and start.
6- Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
Love this question! I have great plans for my life. Besides becoming a medical doctor, I will start a foundation that sustains and empowers single parents and their children during the process—whether that absence is physical or emotional. Sometimes we forget that there are children with both parents in the house, but they are still fatherless/motherless. I am also going to write more about social issues that are of concern. That is just a portion of the next 5 years.
7- What is the biggest challenge you encountered while working on Raising Fatherless Sons?
The patience! I worked with a great team, but, sometimes, there were delays in the process, and I had to be patient with everybody, even though the deadlines where about to strike! Even though it was a challenge, it produced real character. At these moments, you are challenged to push the gas pedal, while you had to understand other people and keep your head calm, so you don’t panic.
8- What can you tell single parents who want to raise a better child?
Make sure that love plays an important role in your house. I believe that it is crucial in raising children. It should be the bricks of the foundation you are giving your children. It is like a glue that will keep a house united. Also, dedication, education, and communication are essentials in the process of raising children. It is our task to make the tree grow straight; once the trunk gets bent, it will be difficult to straighten it again.
9- What are you most excited about at the moment?
I am happy and excited the book is a reality. One of the messages in my book is to make whatever you want to come true, and that is what I showed myself. I made a dream come to life: to empower and touch other people.
10- Any last word or final thoughts?
Fathers and mothers, our children need the both us, but, if you are doing this job alone, make sure you do it with passion and be your children’s propeller for a successful and happy future.
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