Interview With Creative Photographer, Daniel Doyle Pleasantville

Running a photography business can be incredibly difficult. There are so many factors to consider whenever you are running one that even experienced photographers seem to forget. However, Dan Doyle Pleasantville has discovered an ebb and flow that helps him keep his business running strong. He has spent countless sleepless nights ruminating over various tactics to keep his business afloat. All of his hard work has paid off and he is now ready to share with us some of his secrets.
Hello Daniel, can you please tell us a bit about you?
My name is Daniel Doyle, and I run a successful photography studio in Pleasantville. I have been working on this studio for some time now and found some secrets to its success that I would like to share with aspiring entrepreneurs out there.
What are your focus areas and why?
Photography is my area of focus. I have been taking photographs since I was very young. Being able to capture something through my lens and sharing it with other people is gratifying. I have pushed myself over the years to discover new methods of photography that will help me improve my craft.
How would you describe your studio in a few words?
My studio is very ambitious. There are many things that we wish to accomplish here in Pleasantville. However, we are also detail orientated. We want to make sure that the client gets the very best photograph possible whenever we are commissioned for work. We can go from quiet to loud and vice versa. It is an interesting dynamic that makes us unique.

Where do you think it is really making an impact?
It is making an impact on the clients. Not every client has the same needs. We always make sure to gauge the project that we are commissioned and work accordingly. No job is ever the same as the last one.
Do you think integrity is an essential part of the entrepreneurial spirit?
Integrity is crucial for success. Many people simply want to pull in as much money as they can while ignoring integrity. While this may bring you money in the short run, you will simply hurt your business in the long run. People will cease to trust you and what services you offer. Always go out of your way to build trust with your clientele. It will help you tremendously in the long run.
What advice would you give to young people just starting out and hoping to make it as photographers?
Keep working as much as you can. Making a living as a full-time creative is harder than working a 9-5 job. However, hard work will most certainly pay off. Be sure to make obtainable goals that are realistic and short-term. This will help you slowly and steadily build up your skill level and client base. All good things come in time.
Do you find as a photographer, that you enjoy the challenge of the industry being complex with the game rules that are always changing?
This is one of my favorite parts of being a freelance photographer. The rules of the game are constantly changing. What was trending ten years ago is no longer relevant and what was relevant a month ago may not be today. The demand for certain styles is always changing and it keeps you on your toes. You want to constantly keep learning in order to stay relevant in this industry. To stagnate is to fail in my book.
If you could turn the time, what would you love to change in regards to your career?
You want to be as relaxed as possible as a creative. Forcing ideas can be incredibly detrimental if you are trying to get work done. I was a very forceful creative in my early days. I tried to push too hard on photography projects, and I ended up hurting myself because of these bad habits. Being in the moment and letting the creativity flow is the best way to harness your gifts. I have learned this later in life and it has helped me tremendously with my daily workload each day.
What are you most excited about at the moment?
I am most excited about my business’ potential expansion. I have been looking at different ways to expand what we have built and reach new clientele. It has been a long time coming and this prospect makes me incredibly excited to continue pushing forward.
The last word or final thoughts?
Never let someone tell you that you can’t do anything. I remember hearing “Daniel Doyle Pleasantville will never amount to anything!” whenever I first started out. I removed those toxic people from my life as soon as I heard this. Anyone can make a living doing what they love. However, it just takes longer and requires more work than your average job that provides the work for you. Find an area of focus and continuously keep improving at it if you wish to find success in your life.