Interview With Shehryar Shaukat, Entrepreneurs & FamersOnline Founder

1- Hello Shehryar, Can you please introduce yourself?
Hi, I am Shehryar Shaukat a 23 years old Pakistani Entrepreneur and an Investor. Hi, I am Shehryar Shaukat a 23-year-old Pakistani Entrepreneur and an Investor. I was born in Islamabad, Pakistan, but I grew up in Singapore. Since my childhood, I have had only one dream and that was to be a successful businessman. I started working as a freelancer in order to earn enough money so that I can start my own business and well, I was able to make decent amount money and started investing in different projects and at the moment I am the CFO of Zhang Group a Manufacturing Company in China and recently I have also launched a content sharing site FamersOnline. Apart from being a businessman, I am also an Amateur MMA fighter.
2- What are your focus areas and why?
My main focus area is technology and more specifically the Internet the reason is that I am a web developer and before I became an investor in the Zhang group and several other companies I used to be a freelancer and actually with the help of the money I earned from freelancing helped me in investing in different projects. Ironically I always wanted to invest only in Internet-related companies but I never really got an opportunity so that’s why I have now launched my own site because I believe the internet is the future and success is now in only tech-related projects.
3- How do you describe “FamersOnline” in few words?
To be honest with you, FamersOnline site isn’t any unique or special but what I feel can make it a little unique is that we let people share their real lives stories I mean everyone has a story to share but we all just need someone to listen so well I feel we’re that someone 😛
4- How do you think creative youth are changing the future of business?
I think today’s youth has completely changed the way we do business I mean brands are now getting their products to advertise by Youtubers, bloggers or through Social Media. I feel the future is already here.
5- What advice would you like to give to those just starting in business?
Well, not really an advice more like a suggestion never get into the business which you don’t understand even if everyone else is doing really good in that business.
6- Some big firms still can’t make a decision about the importance of the new business trends, what do you say about that?
I think I will just use the example of Nokia I mean Nokia was the champion of mobile phones but they failed to learn the importance of the market trends and we all know how badly they failed. And if they can fail anyone can so its always best to always make a smart decision on time.
7- In the era of internet, What is the real value social media presence for active young businessmen, while other Marketing techniques can’t?
I think that in today’s world it is very important to have a solid social media presence and especially for young Entrepreneurs, Actors or any person related to the creative field because it is free and simple to use and also, it’s a great way to meet people related to your field you can get numerous marketing for yourself or business through different marketing agencies but SM is something which gives you the complete freedom to be yourself and share your thoughts.
8- What is the “one-word” advice you will give to our readers when it comes to succeeding at making clients happy?
Just be realistic and don’t think your client is stupid or dumb and be completely honest with him/her. Obviously, there is a certain click-baited sort of marketing strategy you must follow but just try to make seem real and you completely understand what exactly they are looking for.
9- Do you find as an expert, that you enjoy the challenge of an industry being complex and the game rules are always changing?
Well, I feel that not only this industry actually the whole life concept is quite complex I mean life isn’t fair so how can you except this business industry to be and I personally love the challenges thrown at me I believe it brings the best out of me.
10- The last word or final thoughts?
Well, I would just say guys never give up on your dreams just keep trying even if u can’t give your 100% just give a little bit daily because life is gonna move on anyway so why not just keep trying.
As far as I know, Shehryar Shaukat is a successful businessman and investor, and also my good brother. In the past few years, I have been helped by him, and I have been able to help him solve problems.
I think that I regard him as a friend is my biggest investment.
Thank you. I hope we can always be friends like this.